The barefoot summer by carolyn brown

the Barefoot Summer by Carolyn Brown

One dead husband leaves behind three wives!

Ah whenever I see a Carolyn Brown book I know I’m in for a treat. This one was so funny but with its typical heartwarming and at times heartbreaking parts of the story.

Kate was the first wife, she’s so long over the late Conrad it’s comical.

Jamie was wife number two and she is a spitfire.

Then there’s the newest youngest and oh so pregnant wife Amanda who is the only one grieving the death of her husband.

The three women connect over the cabin they all had with the husband. Jamie’s daughter is a nice addition to the story.

Can these women go from enemies who hate each other and all want the cabin for their own reasons to something else, not friends maybe but just women who can get along for a short while??

what a great book about love, loss, the women betrayed and those emotions, to healing and even comraderie.

highly recommended as always, and a favorite author of mine delivered another great read!

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